You may see the below exclamation mark in the Settings views:
These messages can display in the following views:
- General ledger accounts
- Cost centres
- Cost units
- Tasks
- Investment types
Below is an explanation per view of what may cause the red fields:
General ledger accounts
In the General ledger accounts view, the red exclamation mark may be caused by the following issues:
Tab | Field | Message and solution |
Operations | Active |
Red message in Active field because the general ledger account has data in the past or the future.
Solution: Unlink the general ledger account on the Funding, Per salary component or Per investment type tabs or change the module. |
Module |
Red message in the Module field because the general ledger account is linked to one of the modules, but is not linked to a funding fact, salary component or investment type.
Solution: Link the general ledger account on the Funding, Per salary component or Per investment type tabs or change the module to Other income and expenses. |
Whole row |
The whole row is red. This means that there are two same general ledger accounts (2 x the same long label).
Solution: Click on the pencil to change the GL account’s long label. NOTE: Make sure the default label only contains the code for the GL account! |
Defined |
A new GL account has been imported and needs to be defined.
Solution: Define the GL account by clicking on the pencil to add the long label, ticking the Active box, linking it to the correct hierarchy and changing the module if necessary. |
Particularisation | Cost unit |
The cost unit for a particularised GL account is not ticked although amounts for that specific GL account have been entered with cost unit particularisation.
Solution: Tick the corresponding cost unit or change the amount in Other income and expenses. |
Balance sheet | Active | Red message in the Active field because the balance sheet account still contains data from the past or the future. Solution: Tick the Active box and untick the Input box, for example. |
Whole row |
The whole row is red. This means that there are two same balance sheet accounts (2 x the same long label).
Solution: Click on the pencil to change the balance sheet account’s long label. NOTE: Make sure the default label only contains the code for the balance sheet account! |
Defined |
A new balance sheet account has been imported and needs to be defined.
Solution: Define the balance sheet account by clicking on the pencil to add the long label, ticking the Active box, linking it to the correct hierarchy and changing the module if necessary. |
Funding | Do not link |
Do not link is ticked although a GL account or a cost unit are linked. Or Do not link is not ticked although no GL account or cost unit is linked.
Solution: Tick/untick Do not link or link the GL account and cost unit. |
Per salary component | Do not link |
Do not link is ticked although a GL account is linked. Or Do not link is not ticked although no GL account is linked.
Solution: Tick/untick Do not link or link the GL account. |
Per investment type | Do not link |
Do not link is ticked although a GL account is linked. Or Do not link is not ticked although no GL account is linked.
Solution: Tick/untick Do not link or link the GL account. |
Cost centres
In the Cost Centres view, the red exclamation mark may be caused by the following issues:
Tab | Field | Message and solution |
Cost centres | Active |
Red message in Active field because the cost centre has data in the past or the future.
Solution: Tick the Active box and untick the Input box, for example. |
Whole row |
The whole row is red. This means that there are two same cost centres (2 x the same long label).
Solution: Click on the pencil to change the cost centre’s long label. NOTE: Make sure the default label only contains the code for the cost centre! |
Foleta |
Red message in the Foleta field because it is ticked but there is no link to a Foleta cost centre in the Foleta cost centre tab.
Solution: Untick Foleta or create the link in the Foleta cost centre tab. |
Staff cost centres | Defined |
A new staff cost centre has been imported with the actuals and needs to be defined.
Solution: Link the staff cost centre to the correct financial cost centre or tick Defined if a link doesn’t have to be created. |
Whole row |
The whole row is red. This means that there are two same cost centres (2 x the same long label).
Solution: Click on the pencil to change the cost centre’s long label. NOTE: Make sure the default label only contains the code for the cost centre! |
Cost units
In the Cost units view, the red exclamation mark may be caused by the following issues:
Tab | Field | Message and solution |
Cost units | Active |
Red message in the Active field because the cost unit has data in the past or the future.
Solution: Tick the Active box and untick the Input box, for example. |
Staff |
Red message in the Staff field because the cost unit has staff data in the past or the future.
Solution: Tick the Staff box, for example. |
Defined |
A new cost unit has been imported with the actuals and needs to be defined.
Solution: Define the cost unit by clicking on the pencil to add the long label, ticking the Active box, linking it to the correct hierarchy and, in any case, ticking either Financial and/or Staff. |
Whole row |
The whole row is red. This means that there are two same cost units (2 x the same long label).
Solution: Click on the pencil to change the cost unit’s long label. NOTE: Make sure the default label only contains the code for the cost unit! |
Per salary component | Do not link |
Do not link is ticked although a GL account is linked. Or Do not link is not ticked although no GL account is linked.
Solution: Tick/untick Do not link or link the GL account. |
NOTE: The update synchronises all salary components, and maybe even salary components that your board doesn’t use that apply to a specific education type. You do not have to link salary components that you do not use. Never link individual salary components (salary based on hours worked etc) and salary components per task category (DIR salary costs etc) to a GL account.
In the Tasks view, the red exclamation mark may be caused by the following issues:
Tab | Field | Message and solution |
Tasks | Active |
Red message in the Active field because the task has data in the past or the future.
Solution: Tick the Active box and untick the Input box, for example. |
Defined |
A new task has been imported with the actuals and needs to be defined.
Solution: Define the task by changing the hierarchy or tick Defined. |
Whole row |
The whole row is red. This means that there are two same tasks (2 x the same long label).
Solution: Click on the pencil to change the task’s long label. NOTE: Make sure the default label only contains the code for the task! |
Investment types
In the Investment type view, the red exclamation mark may be caused by the following issues:
Tab | Field | Message and solution |
Investment types | Active |
Red message in the Active field because the investment type has data in the past or the future.
Solution: Tick the Active box and untick the Input box, for example. |
GL account link | Do not link |
Do not link is ticked although a GL account is linked. Or Do not link is not ticked although no GL account is linked.
Solution: Tick/untick Do not link or link the GL account. |