Follow the below steps to copy a user:
- Tick the box of the user you want to copy.
- Click on the Actions button.
- The options below display. Click on Copy.
- Change the information for the new user in the fields that display.
- You can also change the assigned groups. Select Save all.
- Other authorisations, such as assigning cost centres, are done in the respective application’s Authorisation view. Click here for more information about the Authorisation view. It is advisable to send an email to the new user from Manage users only after this information has been entered in the application to prevent them from seeing a blank screen.
- Tick the box of the user to whom you want to send an automated email.
- Click on the Actions button that displays.
- The options display in the view below. Click on Email new user.
The new user will receive an email with an invitation to use Anago and create a new password.