This view consists of three tabs (Parameters, Scale parameters and Salary table), which are described below.
In this tab, the parameters for the salary components can be managed per month and per education type. They can be percentages or amounts in £, and are used in salary cost calculations in other views. The parameters are defined per school year and education type, which you can change using the filters above the table.
You will find the parameters the salary model uses in the Anago row. If you’d like to use other values, you must enter them in the Override row below it. With the Anago/Override filter, you can only display the rows with Anago parameters or Override parameters.
Once the salary parameters have been changed, the salary costs are calculated by ticking Calculate salary costs and saving the view. Saving the view calculates the salary model with the new parameters. No users other than the functional manager should be logged in to the system when calculations are running.
You can also include a percentage for an expected salary increase. Enter the expected percentage in the Override row for the Percentage salary increase parameter. All salary cost related salary components will be increased by this percentage.
Scale parameters
The scale parameters for board-specific salary components can be changed in this tab. They must be changed by education type. The scale parameters can be percentages or amounts in £, and are used in salary cost calculations.
You will find the scale parameters that the salary model uses in the Anago row. If you’d like to use other values, you must enter them in the Override row below it. With the Anago/Override filter, you can only display the rows with Anagoparameters or Override parameters. Once the view has been saved, future calculations will be performed with these scale parameters. Once the parameters have been changed, the salary costs are calculated by ticking Calculate salary costs and saving the view. Here too, no users other than the functional manager should be logged in to the system when calculations are running.
Salary table
The Salary table tab displays the amounts per scale and periodic per education type. Here too, you can enter overrides. With the Anago/Override filter, you can only display the rows with Anago parameters or Override parameters.
Please note that if you enter an override, the amounts will no longer correspond to the current collective bargaining agreement.