The multi-year staff budget enables you to view the budget or the forecast based on your selection.
Use this view instead of the Staff planning view for analyses or to view the approved budget. The Staff planning view is used to make changes to the staff planning.
This view consists of several tabs:
- Per cost centre
- Per cost unit
- Per snapshot
Clicking on a cell in this view opens a new view. All of the options are displayed below.
Per cost centre
You can select by:
- Cost unit
- Calendar or school year
- Budget or forecast
- Snapshot (basic or generated snapshots)
- Salary component (gross, net FTE or sustainable employability FTE etc)
Clicking on a cell opens a second view with details. For example, clicking on a cell in the FTE column displays the FTE details by task category for the selected cost centre for the selected year.
Clicking on a value in the above view opens a third view with the employee’s employment contracts and corresponding cost centre, cost unit, task and task category. It can take a while to display the employment contracts based on the size of the board.
The second view in the Salary cost columns displays the same data as the second FTE view but in euros. Based on the settings, general ledger accounts that relate to the salary costs can also be displayed.
Clicking on a value in a cell opens a third view in which the employees are displayed.
Per cost unit
The Per cost unit tab displays the above data by cost unit. In all of the tabs, clicking on a value in a cell opens a second view.
Per snapshot
The budget can be compared with a selected snapshot.