NOTE: You can quickly adjust FTE's, add new employment contracts and vacancies via the Staff mutations view. This will significantly accelerate the editing of the staff budget. Take a quick look at this page to see how this screen works!
Is this your first budgeting round in Anago? Would you like to follow Anago’s step-by-step budget creation plan? Then click here!
In this view, you can add new employees or vacancies, update the data for existing employees and delete employees. You can only do this if the status is Forecast. As soon as the budget has been approved, the view will automatically open with the status Forecast. In the status Budget, you can view the staff that was entered for the budget.
NOTE: The budget for the corresponding school or calendar year is also frozen. For example, if you approve the 2025 budget, the 2025/2026 budget will also be frozen in this view. The figures are not frozen in the general ledger accounts.
This view consists of several tabs:
- Employees (change employment contracts, add vacancies and submit staff)
- Expiring employment contracts
- Created employment contracts (employment contracts and/or vacancies created in Anago)
- Retirement in the next 5 years (without end date)
- FTE standards
- Multi-year budget (see Multi-year financial budget)
Employees are displayed by task category. By default, staff planning is divided into the following task categories:
- Management (MGMT)
- Teaching staff (TS)
- School support staff (SSS)
New task categories are added in the Tasks view.
Employee employment contracts/Employee data
Clicking on the pencil in the Details column opens a new tab. This view consists of two tabs:
Employee employment contracts and Employee data.
The Employee employment contracts tab displays the existing employment contracts for the selected employee. You can end an existing employment contract, enter a new employment contract for this employee, and add comments.
Add employment contract: Click on Add employment contract to add a new employment contract.
End employment contract: To end an employment contract in Anago, enter a date in the End date field.
The Employee data tab displays the employee’s data. The periodic, but also an allowance, can be manually changed or added.
Add or delete employee/vacancy
To add a new employee or vacancy, click on Add employee/vacancy. The below view opens: Enter a meaningful description in the Name field. For example: Vacancy group 1-2 2024/2025, replacement for parental leave.
The other fields have drop-down lists for you to choose from. Click on the down arrow at the end of the input field to open the list.
Then, enter the data below to add the employment contract:
You can only delete employment contracts and vacancies that were created in Anago. You cannot delete employees that were read in to Anago from the HR system. Click on the bin to delete an employment contract or vacancy. An existing employment contract is terminated by entering an end date for the respective contract.
Calculate on or Calculate off
You determine when effect of a change is calculated. Postponing the calculation enables you to make multiple changes faster. To do this, click on “Calculate” at the bottom of the view. A warning icon $warning$ displays next to employees whose data have changed but have not yet been calculated. The calculation is initiated by ticking Calculate on and saving the view.
If you save the view without ticking Calculate on, the calculation will be performed overnight.
Expiring employment contracts
This tab shows which employment contracts are due to expire in the selected school/calendar year. Costs are no longer updated in the multi-year budget once the employment contract has expired. The End date of an employment contact can also be changed or deleted in this view.
Created employment contracts
Employees who have access to cost centre All, can filter by cost centre All or a higher cost centre level on this tab. This enables higher-level vacancies to be viewed and flagged as inactive or active after, for example, the initial staff value has been read in.
You can also filter by Employee type. This field is populated when a vacancy is created.
Retirement in the next 5 years
The table on this tab displays the employees who will reach their state pension age in the next 5 years and the date on which they will reach it.
NOTE: An employment contract end date is not entered for employees who will be retiring in the next 5 years. The costs will continue to accumulate until the end date is entered.
FTE standards
The view displays the standards table where the standard is calculated for the number of FTEs needed. The default setting for this standard is: Total number of student per cost centre/Standard number of students per FTE (MGMT/TS/SSS) = Standard.
When you have finished entering the data (possibly at the request of the functional manager), you can submit the view by clicking on Submit staff. Submitting the view freezes the view for the respective cost centre and changes can no longer be made. The functional manager can see whether the staff has been submitted per cost centre in the Progress and approve budget view and approve or reject the submission. If the submission is rejected, the staff can be changed for the respective cost centre and resubmitted.
Multi-year budget
If you would like to immediately see the effect of changes in the administration (1st tab) on the multi-year budget, click on Recalculate multi-year budget. If you go to the Multi-year budget tab
you can view the updated multi-year budget. The changes are also calculated when you save the view. You can view the multi-year budget here by year and by cost centre.
You can also filter the cost centre at a higher level, for example, at the sector or the Get Information About Schools (GIAS) level.