Before you start budgeting again in Anago, you have to change a number of settings and go through a number of steps. The budgeting process is explained step-by-step per component.
You can change the sequence of the columns in the multi-year budget in the Multi-year financial budget view. The forecast for 2025 can only be selected if the forecast for 2025 has been approved. This setting is visible to all users and can only be changed by the functional manager. Click on to change the sequence.
A warning is issued if a new item is added when the settings are imported (general ledger accounts, cost centres, cost units, tasks and investment types). You still have to create the necessary links.
In addition, the message also displays if a setting is defined incorrectly. This incorrect setting is recognised by the red field that displays.
The following applies to all settings: A warning in the Active column indicates that the row my not be set to inactive because actuals or budgets have been posted to it in the last year. If you ignore this warning, inconsistencies with the source system may arise. You can find more information about solving exclamation marks on this page.
We will implement all of the changes in laws and regulations in the parameters during the budgeting round. We understand that some customers are not happy that this will change their figures. You will receive an email for every change and we will post a was-is table in the help centre.
TIP: If you don’t want the parameters to change during the budgeting round, you can make the settings for the funding parameters and the salary parameters permanent. Make sure that you change the per education type parameters and the salary parameters in all of the funding tabs. With the Anago/Override filter, you can display the Anago parameters or the defined overrides. This makes it easier to copy and paste the overrides.
Check if all years have been filled for both the source and the allocation keys. If the way of allocating has changed, adjust the corresponding keys as well.
On this page you will find an explanation on how to set/adjust the allocation in the view Allocation in Anago. At the bottom of the page you will also find a number of examples of allocations.
This section provides a detailed explanation of the General ledger account view.
New general ledger accounts that are created in the source system must also be added in Anago. A new general ledger account is only imported if actuals have been posted to it in the source system. The general ledger account is then displayed in the General ledger accounts view on the New GL tab or the Operations tab below it. Link the general ledger accounts to a hierarchy and module, save the view, and they will be added to the general ledger schema. If actuals have not yet been posted but you would like to budget with a new GL account, add a new general account manually in the General ledger accounts view by clicking on
Click here for more information.
NOTE: Add only the code of the cost centre in the default label field. Add only the description of the cost centre in the long label field.
TIP: In the Module column, select Other income and expenses decentral or Other income and expenses central if you work with a school budget. At the central level, you can add amounts per GL account per cost centre. Decentral users will see the amounts but cannot change them.
If changes were made to the cost centre structure, depending on the change that was made, you can add a cost centre, deactivate a cost centre (untick Active) or disable Input by unticking the box. Click here for more information.
If you would like to delete cost centres, please send an email to A cost centre can only be deleted if it doesn’t have any history t-1 and/or future amounts.
Both the new financial and staff cost units are added when the actuals are imported.
If the staff cost units are not the same as the financial cost units, you can link them to each other. Click here for more information (under point 10).
You must also link the new staff cost units to the salary components and the general ledger accounts to which the salary costs are posted. Click here for more information.
If you would like to delete cost units, please send an email to A cost unit can only be deleted if it doesn’t have any history t-1 and/or future amounts.
New tasks that were added to the task ledger in the last period will be added to the Tasks view when the staff actuals are imported. The new tasks will display under the task category TS. You must link the new tasks to the correct task category. Make sure all of the tasks are under the correct hierarchy. Click here for more information.
TIP: If you plan to add tasks that haven’t been added in the source system yet, you can add them manually in Anago. Click here to learn how to add a new task. For obsolete tasks, you can untick the Input box so they can’t be used for new vacancies or task descriptions.
If new investment types have been added in the fixed assets administration, they will be added to the Investment types view when the initial investment value is imported. The new investment types will be added to the category Other and must be linked to the correct category and GL account. Click here for more information.
- If you allocate funding (multiple cost centres under one GIAS number), you must set up the cost centres for All years and allocation keys for the allocation. Do this for:
- Budget ->Funding -> Select the GIAS in the filter Cost Centre
- Settings -> Allocation -> Funding tab ->Add keys tab
- Settings -> Allocation -> Funding tab -> GIAS allocation tab (click here for more information)
NOTE: For some fixed assets administration, it is unfortunately not yet possible to import assets through the interface. You can fill in the Assets template (see attachment at the bottom of the article) and email it to the help desk. We will make sure the data are imported the next day.
1. The initial investment value can be imported at any time and more than once.
2. For a step-by-step explanation, watch the tutorial on this page.
3. New investment types are imported but you still have to link them in Settings -> Investment types.
You can update the Staff view by importing the initial staff value. Importing the initial value copies last month’s actuals to the Staff view.
- It is advisable to make a snapshot after the initial values have been imported and before making any changes. This provides insight into all changes in pupil forecasts and staff planning compared with last year's multi-year budget. (Funding analysis and Staff changes analysis). To make a snapshot, go to Budgeting process -> Snapshot. You will find instructions on this page.
- On the first of every month, the staff actuals are imported into Anago from the source system. Now, you no longer have to wait for the first of the month but can import the current month’s staff actuals yourself, after the salaries have been paid. Click here for an explanation of importing actuals in advance.
- For information about importing the initial staff value, click here for more information.
- You must link newly imported staff cost centres to a financial cost centre by going to Settings -> Cost centre -> Staff cost centre.
- You must link newly imported tasks to a task category by going to Settings -> Tasks.
NOTE: Importing the initial value can take a while. It is advisable to import the initial value when no one else is using the system. After the initial value has been imported, the salary model is calculated before the new data are displayed. You can see whether a model is still running by clicking on one of the views. A message will display if a model is still running.
You can write the accountability and explanatory notes for the budget in Anago. If the figures in the multi-year budget change, you only have to change the text and do not have to cut and paste any tables in your own file.
Click here to define the settings.
If you would like to export the Budget accountability and explanatory notes directly to your own template, email your board’s template to Make sure the template contains the following three pages:
- Cover sheet
- Table of contents
- Empty page
Good luck creating the (multi-year) budget.
Click here for more information and the steps to create the budget.