Use this view to update the Investments view with the most recent status based on the investment actuals you imported. If Anago is linked to the financial system, the investment actuals will be read in nightly.
If this is not the case, the Assets template must be submitted in order to track the depletion.
Please contact the help desk. You will find the template at the bottom of the page. We will make sure that the initial value is imported the day after we receive the template.
You can import the initial value more than once. Data that have already been imported are overwritten. Please note that importing investment data can take up to 30 minutes.
Follow the steps below to import investments:
- Check the Monthly INV report view to make sure the investment actuals have been imported.
- Check whether there are new investment types that still need to be set up. These are displayed in the table below:
- Tick the Active and Input boxes, select the hierarchy the investment category belongs to, enter the period in years, the residual value, and finally, link the corresponding general ledger account. If you cannot find the corresponding general ledger account in the list, go to General ledger accounts and link the correct general ledger account to the Investments module.
- Decide what you want to do with investments that were created in Anago. You have three options:
- Keep the investments that were created in Anago instead of deactivating them.
- Deactivate the investments that were created in Anago by leaving the date field blank and clicking on Deactivate Anago investments.
- Or, deactivate the investments that were created in Anago with a date up to the date you entered in the Start date before field by clicking on Deactivate Anago investments.
- Click on Import initial value investments to move the investments from the actuals to the Investments view.
- Save the view to apply the changes and calculate their effect. While the calculations are running, the reports will open with the following message: ‘Please wait. The view will open as soon as the changes have been saved. This can take a while.’