This view is only visible to users with a central role.
Financial changes, investments, funding and allocations for a specific GIAS are calculated in the Calculate GIAS view. This view is used to correct amounts that have been overwritten (several users changing data in the same cost centre) and to calculate the allocation. Depending on the number of cost centres that belong to the GIAS, the calculation can take a while. It is therefore advisable not to run the calculation too often during the day. Changes made by other users are queued, which affects their ability to save their changes.
You can run the model by opening the view, clicking on the Calculate multi-year GIAS budget button and saving the view. The calculation is performed in the background. Opening a report while the calculation is running displays the message:
The calculation is finished when this message no longer displays.
This view is used to calculate all models: financial, funding, investments, and salary.