You now have the ability to create a document with the monthly reports in Anago.
The layout of the executive summary is specific to each board. You can create the layout yourself in the Accountability reports settings view. Click here to select the document’s layout (text fields and graphics).
You can change the layout of the Word document to your own layout. Click here for more information.
You can also upload the document in this view.
- First, go to the Accountability reports settings view and then to the Monthly reports tab to define the document’s layout.
- If you wish, you can change the column settings in the Monthly financial report, Monthly staff report, or, Monthly investment report views. To do this, click on Column settings in the above view and untick any unnecessary columns:You can also do this in the view itself by clicking on the same button when the view is open.
- Open the Monthly report view (under Accountability) to select the cost centre for which you want to create the document. You can choose to create the document for all cost centres or for one specific cost centre.
- Select the cost centre and click on Next.
- Select the month for which you want to create the document.
- Select the month and click on Finish.
- Depending on the layout you selected, you can add explanatory notes.
- Save the view when you have finished entering explanatory notes.
- When you have finished setting up the Monthly report view to your liking, you can export the view to a Word document by clicking on the Export button (sheet of paper with a down arrow) in the top bar.
- This opens a new view. Select the Word icon and click on Export.
- The exported file displays at the bottom of the browser. Click on the exported file to open it.
- Word does not automatically create the table of contents.
- Click on Edit. The table of contents is automatically created using the titles that were defined as headers.
- If all of the columns are checked in the respective monthly reports, the table will be too wide for Word’s portrait layout. You can choose to change the layout to landscape so the table can be properly displayed in Word.
Upload monthly reports
- You can upload any (final) files by clicking on the Document button in the top bar.
- Click on Add document.
- Enter a description.
- Click on the up arrow to add the document. A second view will open in which you can select the document. NOTE: The file must be a PDF
If you would like to export the data directly to your own template, email your board’s template to Make sure the template contains the following three pages:
- Cover sheet
- Table of contents
- Empty page
If you selected all of the columns in the monthly report, make sure your template is in landscape.