The rolling forecast (actuals + the remaining months of the forecast) can be displayed in the Other income and expenses view.
Click on Column settings and tick the Annual box in the Rolling forecast column.
You can change the rolling forecast as needed.
You can apply the rolling forecast as
- Average of the last months’ actuals
- Maximum amount of the months’ actuals
- Minimum amount of the months’ actuals
- or Follow the budget’s annual amount
Follow the below steps to change the rolling forecast:
- Go to the Other income and expenses view.
- At the top of the view, click on Column settings.
- Tick the Monthly box in the Rolling forecast column.
- Click on the X to exit the view.
- The view now displays the status Actuals per month for the months up to the current month, an Action column, and the status Forecast per month.
- The Action column enables you to change the Rolling forecast. Select an icon in the Action column for a general ledger account or consolidation.
- The months in the Forecast column are updated based on the action selected.
- When you have finished changing the actuals, you can calculate the rolling forecast by clicking on Recalculate rolling forecast at the top of the view.
- This recalculates the rolling forecast.
- Functional managers can recalculate the rolling forecast for a specific cost centre or all cost centres. Click on Recalculate rolling forecast to open the below view.
NOTE: If an action is added to a general ledger account, an action cannot be selected at the consolidation level and vice versa. For a particularised general ledger account, you can only add an action to the particularisation.