NOTE: The exported Word document has a .docx file extension. This means that the document may display differently in older versions of Word.
Change the name and year
When you export your budget and explanatory notes/annual accounts/monthly report to a Word document, the document is automatically created using Anago's standard layout. There are two things you need to add:
The date and the name of the organisation on the cover page
This can be the name of the board, the organisation or the name of the cost centre.
Change the style
To change the document’s style to your organisation’s corporate identity, you can change the following elements.
Change the colour
The colours are changed on the Design tab. Open the drop-down list for the Colour button to select a colour palette or go to the bottom of the list and click on Customise colours to create your own.
Change the text
Several text styles are used in the document. For example, all of the buttons look the same. If you would like to change the text styles, go to the Home tab and right click on one of the styles. Here, you can change the font, the font size and the colour.
More information on using styles can be found on the Microsoft Office website.
You can also change the style of any text manually.