In Anago, you can generate data for the board staff plan. By default, the number of pupils is set up in the system for primary education. If you would like to change/expand the set up by adding several types of education, send a request to the help desk at The board staffing plan consists of a number of tabs. The displayed data are set up by the functional manager. Based on the user's authorisation, the ‘per year’ views will display the data at the total level and the ‘per cost centre’ views will display the cost centre data side by side.
Changing a filter in one of the tabs automatically changes the filter in all other tabs.
The corresponding GL accounts must be linked in order to use this report. The functional manager can link them in the management menu General ledger accounts. In this menu, the functional manager can enter a percentage in the BSP column to specify which percentage of a specific GL account should be allocated to the board staffing plan. This percentage estimate enables you to determine whether or not to include staff/material costs from certain GL accounts. You can use the BSP Label field to give the GL account a name that will display in the board staffing plan. By default, the main consolidations are set to 100%. For these consolidations, the percentage must be entered for each GL account. The main consolidation only totals the GL accounts that have a percentage.
If you change a BSP percentage, you have to check Calculate financials to calculate the BSP. If this box is not ticked, the calculation will be performed at night.
Pupil forecast per year
You can select the data (facts) that you would like to see in the top section of the Pupil forecast per year tab. The facts you ticked will display in the table:
The facts were defined during the implementation. Contact the help desk if you would like to display more data.