Cost centres are managed in this view. You can add, change or deactivate cost centres.
NOTE: A red field or a new staff cost centre is indicated by an exclamation point in the left menu bar. This immediately tells you that settings in the view need your attention or that a new staff cost centre needs to be set up.
Set up a default cost centre
As the controller, you have access to all of the cost centres. When you’re in a meeting, you don’t necessarily want a new view to open with the first cost centre. You can change this by selecting a cost centre in the Default cost centre field. The selected cost centre will display first in all of the views.
Use the filter to change the cost centre as needed. This feature is only available to users who are authorised for all cost centres.
Cost centre
You can indicate that a cost centre is inactive from a specific school year by unticking the box in the Active column (inactive cost centres can no longer be selected and are no longer displayed in reports and input views). If you would still like the cost centre to display in your reports but not allow employment contracts to be linked to it, untick the Input box.
The financial system is the basis for the cost center settings. So, for example, if you want to change a code or description of a cost center, do this in the financial system. Anago takes over the code and description from the financial source system. However, if a pencil is shown at a cost center, this means that we cannot retrieve the description from the financial system. In this case you can adjust the description via the pencil in Anago:
To calculate the funding and the salary costs, you must select the education type. If a cost centre does not receive any funding, only select an education type for the salary costs.
If the GIAS column is ticked, the row has a GIAS cost centre (two cost centres that receive joint funding).
If you do not enter an education type for a cost centre in the Education type Funding and/or Education type salary costs column, you cannot select this cost centre in the Funding and/or Staff view.
NOTE: When you deactivate a cost centre, a red field may display in the Active column if the multi-year financial budget contains data in years -1 to +5 of the current year. For instructions on how to delete a cost centre, see Delete a cost centre.
Add a new cost centre
- Click on Add a cost centre. The view below opens:
- In the number field, enter the same number the cost centre has in the source system. This can be 01 or 12AB, for example.
- Enter the name of the cost centre in the Description field. For example, Delta.
- Click on the Hierarchy field to select the hierarchy you want the cost centre to be part of. This is usually All.
- In the Education type funding field, enter the education type the funding is for if applicable.
- In the Education type salary costs field, enter the education type for which the collective bargaining agreement applies to the cost centre, if applicable.
- Tick GIAS if this cost centre has two lower-level cost centres that receive joint funding (see GIAS cost centre for more information).
- Tick Input correction t=0 if t=0 has been defined and is used by your board.
- Click on the pencil in Authorisation to authorise users for the new cost centre.
- Click on Add.
- If you then want to use the new cost centre for funding or employee administration, the second tab in the Cost centres view must also be set up. For more information, see Special funding further down this page.
- If the source system is HR2Day or Raet and the staff and financial cost centres are not the same, you can add a mapping table in the Staff cost centre tab. For more information, see Staff cost centre further down this page.
- New cost centres are automatically linked to all GL accounts when this view is saved. You can check this in the Per cost centre tab in the General ledger accounts view.
GIAS cost centres
If you have GIAS cost centres (two lower level cost centres that receive joint funding), this must be indicated in the Cost Centres view. This is done by adding a new cost centre, which is the sum of the two cost centres that receive joint funding and linking those two cost centres to it.
This summation cost centre is ticked in the GIAS column, the two other lower level cost centres are not.
The funding is then calculated for the GIAS cost centre. Pupil numbers are entered per cost centre and then automatically rolled into the GIAS cost centre. Anago then allocates the funding per cost centre based on an allocation key.
NOTE: When a GIAS cost centre has been entered, each fact must be linked to an allocation key. If this is not done, the income will not be allocated to the cost centre. The facts can be linked to an allocation key in the Reallocate funding view under the Budget process component.
Special funding
In this tab, you can indicate per cost centre whether a certain funding scheme applies by ticking the corresponding box. Ticking the box in the Active column activates the funding.
The below funding schemes are no longer supported in Anago due to their complexity (calculation and different reference dates):
- First reception of foreigners
- Increase in asylum seeker children
- Newcomers
Staff cost centres
The mapping table can be processed in this tab if the financial and staff cost centres are not the same. This is often the case with the HR2DAY and Raet source systems and sometimes with AFAS. You can define the mapping table as follows:
- Click on Add a staff cost centre.
- The view below opens:
- In the number field, enter the same number the cost centre has in the HR source system (eg 12AB or 135600).
- Enter the same name the cost centre has in the HR source system in the Description field.
- For the Anago cost centre, select a financial cost centre in Anago into which the employees should be imported.
- NOTE: After this link has been created, the staff actuals have to be reimported. Then, the FTEs and salary costs will display in the monthly staff report. Then, a new initial staff value can be imported.
In this tab, you can authorise users for one or more cost centres.