Use this view to copy the budget, forecast or actuals for a specific calendar or school year to the budget or forecast in other calendar or school years. This function is useful for copying the current year's budget to the budget of future years, especially for modules in which budgeting is done manually for general ledger accounts.
In the left column, select the status and calendar/school year that you want to copy, and the status and financial/school years you want to copy to. Then specify the module (decentral and/or central) from which you want to copy all general ledger accounts, and for which cost centres. You can select all cost centres at once by ticking Select all cost centres.
When you are ready to copy the data, click on Copy financial items.
NOTE: The default option for Copy to status is Forecast. For years that have not yet been approved, the Budget and Forecast statuses are identical in the Anago backend.
A calendar/school year can be copied to several calendar/school years at once.