Use this tab to allocate income and expenses. This tab consists of four tabs:
NOTE: Changes that are made in this view are not applied to the multi-year budget until the Calculate allocation box at the top of the view has been ticked (see image). The calculations start when you save the view and close it. If you do not do this, the allocation will be calculated overnight and the results will be visible the next day.
The Income and expenses tab in the Allocation view consists of four tabs. To define an allocation, go through the tabs in the sequence in which they are displayed in the view. Below is an explanation of each tab.
On the first tab, you can add source keys and allocation keys by clicking on the Add key button at the bottom of the table. A new row displays for you to fill in as follows:
- Enter the name of the key in the Key column by clicking on the row and then on the pencil.
- In theType column, specify whether you are adding a source key or an allocation key. A source key enables you to specify the percentage you will be allocating from the different cost centres. An allocation key enables you to specify the cost centres to which the allocation will be applied.
- Next, select a level. In this column, you can choose between Calendar year or School year. The level you choose depends on how you’re allocating an amount. For example, you may choose to allocate amounts by calendar year because the budget was adopted for the calendar year.
Or you may choose to allocate amounts by school year because the grant is received for a school year. Both options are possible. - If you added a source key, specify in the Input column whether the amount you are allocating is a percentage or an amount.
- You can also use a report fact to allocate the amount. You can add a report fact yourself; see the examples and the tutorial at the bottom of the page. If you would like to do this, you can select a report fact in the Report fact column. You can choose, for example, between the total number of pupils, a GL account or a consolidation. Click on the black square to display the options.
- If you selected a report fact, you must enter the relative period. The relative period indicates the reference period. If you would like to refer to the current year, enter 0; if you would like to refer to last year, enter -1; and if you would like to refer to next year or future years, enter 1, 2, 3 etc.
- If you selected a report fact, you must also select a status. We always advise selecting Forecast, as it’s the most current status in Anago.
- Finally, the key used for the report fact must be updated. Select the corresponding key in the Select column and click on Update selected keys.
- If you would like the key for the report fact to be updated automatically every night, tick the box in the Update column.
Below is an example of a defined source key and a defined allocation key. In this example, the allocation key uses a report fact:
Source keys
Once you have created your source and allocation keys, you can define them. Go to the Source keys tab. NOTE: If your source key is set to school year, change the Year filter to School year.
In this tab, you can specify the amount/percentage to be allocated by entering the desired amount/percentage in the Allocation amount row for the relevant cost centres. This should look as displayed in the image below.
If a report fact was used, you can tick the cost centres from which the amount should be allocated.
When the year changes, the source keys’ input/settings are automatically copied from the school/calendar year that was last displayed to the newly added school/calendar year.
Allocation keys
Go to the Allocation keys tab. This is where you specify the cost centres to which the allocation amount/percentage should be applied. NOTE: If your allocation key is set to school year, change the Year filter to School year.
If you chose to enter a ratio manually, enter it in the Weighted row. Then tick the corresponding cost centres in the Apply to row.
The Percentage row will populate automatically. The allocation is calculated based on the ratio you entered. If you entered ‘1’ in two cost centres, each cost centre will receive 50% of the amount. See the image below for an example of one cost centre that was allocated the full amount:
If you are using a report fact, you can tick the corresponding cost centres in the Apply to row. The mutual weighting is calculated and converted into a percentage based on the report fact you are using and the boxes you ticked.
When the year changes, the allocation keys’ input/settings are automatically copied from the school/calendar year that was last displayed to the newly added school/calendar year.
Finally, specify on the last tab the GL accounts from which the amount will be allocated and the GL accounts that will be used to calculate the allocation. This is done in the Allocate tab
as follows:
- Click on Add key to add a new key.
- Give the key a name by clicking on the key in the Allocation key column and clicking on the pencil.
- In the Source GL column, select a general ledger account from which the amount/percentage should be allocated.
- In the Allocation GL column, select the GL account that is used to calculate the allocation. This can be the same GL account as the source GL account. If you select the same GL account as the source GL account, the directors, for example, will see the amount that is left over for their cost centre. If you select a different GL account, the directors, for example, will see the amount that was allocated to the administration office.
- In the Source key column, select the source key you added.
- In the Allocation key column, select the allocation key you added.
TIP: If you do not want amounts to be manually added to the GL account that is used to calculate the allocation, untick the Input box in the General ledger accounts view. The GL account will not display in the Other income and expenses view but will display in the multi-year budget.
NOTE: If you define an allocation with your own report fact, make sure you use a ‘.’ (full stop) and not a ‘,’ (comma) as the decimal separator in your report fact!
Allocation examples
Below are a few specific examples of allocations/allocation keys:
- Allocation key percentage to the administration office, click here
- Allocation of the budget from the administration office, click here