This view consists of two tabs: The first tab, Compared with base scenario, compares the selected scenario with the base scenario. The second tab, Compared with actuals, compares the Forecast status with the imported actuals.
Every tab contains an overview per employee or employee employment contract.
Compared to baseline - Employees
This tab shows the differences between the current (base) scenario and the selected scenario. An employee is only displayed if there are differences between the scale and/or periodic scenarios. Use the filters at the top of the view to select a specific cost centre, month and scenario.
Compared to baseline - Employee contracts
This tab shows the differences between the current (base) scenario and the selected scenario specifically for employee employment contracts. An employee’s employment contract is only displayed if there is at least one difference between the scenarios in employment-contract specific data. Use the filters at the top of the view to change the cost centre and the scenario.
Compared to actuals - Employees
This tab displays all of the employees as well as the Scale and Periodic details for both the budget and the actuals. Use the filters at the top of the view to change the cost centre and month.
Compared to actuals - Employee contracts
This tab displays all of the employment contracts for employees as well as the start and end date, FTE, BAPO (scheme to promote labour force participation of older teachers), cost unit and cost centre for both the forecast and the actuals. Use the filters at the top of the view to select a specific cost centre.